Communication & Engagement

Providing your business with the communication tools required to positively engage with your people.

Communication & engagement consultants that support the Positive HR Forum

Please note:  All businesses are listed in alphabetical order only.

Agenda Communication Limited

They say the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place…

Agenda helps managers to engage with their employees through effective communication:

  • Communication audits and strategy
  • Listening exercises and focus groups
  • Problem solving and facilitation
  • Employee newsletters and eMagazines
  • Online training packages

Name of Attendee: Heather Pritchett

Email address:

Contact Number: 07712 873400


Forum Offer: Free consultation on the phone or face to face.

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You simply need to:

  • Provide a product or service primarily used by HR functions
  • Have attended one or more of our forum meetings
  • Support the ethos of our forum and be familiar with our 5 values
  • To enter your details please submit your listing.